Today is the Christian holy day of Epiphany. Christmas has officially ended. The wise men have reached Jesus. Good news has come to Gentiles. God is making himself known to the the nations. Read about it here.

The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek epiphainen, a verb that means “to shine upon,” “to manifest,” or “to make known.” Thus, the feast of the Epiphany celebrates the many ways that Christ has made Himself known to the world, mainly the three events that manifested the mission and divinity of Christ: the visit of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12), the baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:9-11), and the miracle at Cana (John 2:1-11). The visit of the Magi is emphasized on Epiphany Day, and Christ's baptism is celebrated the first Sunday that follows. —quoted from The Epiphany of our Lord, Catholic News AgencyWho can resist a God who works so hard at making himself known?! We've been reading the account of creation, and we've just finished celebrating the incarnation. Has any other deity gone to so much trouble to engage with lowly humans?
This Christmas season I've been captivated by the star as a symbol of God's work of revelation. It seems as if God's work of revelation these days is being done through his people.
Those who are wise will shine
like the brightness of the heavens,
and those who lead many to righteousness,
like the stars for ever and ever.
Daniel 12:3
like the brightness of the heavens,
and those who lead many to righteousness,
like the stars for ever and ever.
Daniel 12:3
Do everything without complaining or arguing,
so that you may become blameless and pure,
children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation,
in which you shine like stars in the universe.
Philippians 2:14-15
so that you may become blameless and pure,
children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation,
in which you shine like stars in the universe.
Philippians 2:14-15
Perhaps the star theme has caught my interest because one of the first songs my mother made sure I learned to play on the piano was "Star of the East."
The Star Of The East - Judy Garland
Star of the East, oh Bethlehem star,
Guiding us on to heaven afar
Sorrow and grief are lull'd by thy light
Thou hope of each mortal, in death's lonely night
Fearless and tranquil, we look up to Thee
Knowing thou beam'st through eternity
Help us to follow where Thou still dost guide
Pilgrims of earth so wide
Star of the East, thou hope of the soul
While round us here the dark billows roll
Lead us from sin to glory afar
Thou star of the East, thou sweet Bethl'em's star.
Star of the East, undimmed by each cloud,
What tho' the storms of grief gather loud
Faithful and pure thy rays beam to save
Still bright o'er the cradle, and bright o'er the grave
Smiles of a Saviour are mirror'd in thee
Glimpses of Heav'n in thy light we see
Guide us still onward to that blessed shore
After earth's toil is o'er
Oh star that leads to God above
Whose rays are Peace and Joy and Love
Watch o'er us still till life hath ceased
Beam on, bright star, sweet Bethlehem star.

Adoration of the Wise Men by Murillo
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