Loving God News

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06 MAY 2011

Test cheater? Depends on your view of God 

USA Today - Sarah Pulliam Bailey - ‎May 4, 2011‎
Earlier this spring, megachurch pastor Rob Bell's Love Wins book ignited a discussion over whether a loving God could send Gandhi to hell and Osama bin Laden's death rekindled the question. One's view of hell might stem from a belief in a loving, ...
Wright Way: Tornadoes and God's love 
Cleveland Daily Banner - William Wright - ‎14 hours ago‎
So most Christians pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven because we know this is not God's will for people to suffer or die in natural disasters or in any other way. This loving God wants people to accept the gift of eternal life ...

Pastor Rob Bell: Love wins, no one goes to hell--sparks fury in evangelical ... 

God Discussion - Dakota O'Leary - ‎May 1, 2011‎
Bell's message also brings new debate over free will–has God truly left it up to us to create the world we live in? Or will God "judge" the evil and save the "good?" For God to be all loving, it would seem that God cannot kill, yet this is what the ...
Hell gets a bad rap Washington Times
Hell or heresy? Arkansas Online (subscription)

Is Hell just a myth? 

Inland Valley Daily Bulletin - ‎Apr 29, 2011‎
Opponents of eternal punishment use arguments that eternal wrath is inconsistent with the nature and character of a merciful and loving God. Their conclusion is that ultimately "Love Wins", but this teaching is foreign to the teachings of Jesus Christ ...

Mom finds God's love through her children 

OCRegister - Elizabeth Esther - ‎May 2, 2011‎
There are times when all I want to do is run to my warm, safe bed and ask God to hold me. This, of course, presumes God is a loving God who wants to comfort me. I wasn't always sure of that – or of Him. This is because the God of my childhood was a ...

Many traditions keep some from accepting same-sex unions 

Monroe News Star - ‎Apr 29, 2011‎
Sometimes that was out of duty ("Keep holy the Sabbath") but mostly out of a genuine desire to publicly give thanks and praise to a loving God who has so blessed my life. We're surrounded by a loving family and many good friends....

A Mother's Love 

The Freeport News - ‎May 5, 2011‎
A mother's role was chosen by God it was part of his master plan, he has created them with aloving heart. There is no job on earth that is more challenging than that of a mother, her influence is so important and her responsibility is very difficult. ...

Fallen Marine remembered for his love of God, family 

Tbo.com - George H. Newman - ‎15 hours ago‎
"Today, we will demonstrate the respect that is due this faithful Christian, devoted husband and thisloving father," Brady said. "As a combat Marine, his fellow Marines will afford him the military honors he has so righty earned. ...

Message of the Week: Let us, like Jesus, break the cycle of violence 

The Tennessean - ‎Apr 30, 2011‎
In an unprecedented act of love God raised Jesus from the dead, thereby showing us not only that God has power over death but also that God extends new life to us as well. For those of us who genuinely believe this, it is tremendous good news. ...

09 APRIL 2011

Why does a loving God allow us to suffer? 

London Free Press - ‎13 hours ago‎
If you believe in God, certain questions naturally arise. Is God not omnipotent, or at least not in control? Does God not intervene? Does God complacently watch all this? Does God not care? Is there a loving God? Are there any answers? ...

Loving God and Mankind: Key to Paradise? 

Onislam.net - Raya Shokatfard - ‎Apr 8, 2011‎
Loving God and showing kindness to others are among the essential parts of faith and steps to Paradise. Some mistakenly believe this is sufficient and no further steps are necessary. Did God create people and leave them without ...

Billy Graham | Don't fool yourself: Hell is real 

Kansas City Star - ‎Apr 4, 2011‎
DEAR BILLY GRAHAM: Why would a loving God send anyone to hell? I can't reconcile the idea of hell with Jesus' teaching about love. I'm not sure I even believe in hell anyway. Maybe everyone will be saved, even if they weren't expecting it. — P.McN. ...
A slippery slope of relative truth St. George Daily Spectrum

Christianity's doctrine is love 

Washington Post (blog) - ‎Mar 17, 2011‎
I have watched with interest the controversy brewing over Rob Bell's book, “Love Wins,” and over his theology that a loving God simply would not condemn scores of good people to hell just because they don't accept Jesus Christ. ...
WRIGHT WAY: A concept on fire Cleveland Daily Banner

Rob Bell: I Believe in Hell Now and After You Die 

Christian Post - Jennifer RileyChristian Post - ‎Mar 31, 2011‎
For Bell, one of the big problems he has with the traditional teaching on heaven and hell is that he finds it irreconcilable that a loving God would send billions of people who never heard of Jesus and thus never had the chance to accept Jesus as their ...