The widely accepted theological term for the disaster recorded in Genesis 2 is "fall," but that word is too weak to convey the magnitude of what happened. "Crash" would be better, though still inadequate. And what I'm about to compare it to is inadequate as well, and I hope I'm not trivializing one of the most important moments in history.
Today when I began reading Genesis once again, I noticed how close the story of creation and the fall are to one another, at least in the historical account. (I'm not claiming to know how close they were in actual history.) I thought about how God must have felt about making something so good, so beautiful, and with so much potential, only to have it ruined so soon by someone with no sense of beauty or goodness or love.
And then I remembered my car crash back in May. The little red car I had driven for more than 14 years finally said "no more," so Jay bought me a shiny new Vibe. I had driven it for only a few months when, in a moment of distraction, I rear-ended a UPS truck (not the little brown kind, a BIG UPS truck). Nothing but my car and my ego were damaged, thankfully, and I had only myself to blame, but, nonetheless, seeing my shiny new car all smashed did make me think about how God must have felt when his shiny new creatures crashed head-long into the abyss of sin when distracted by Satan's fascinating lie.
God, I'm not claiming to know, or even imagine, how you felt after that awful event, but I now realize that you certainly know how I feel when something important to me is broken. Thank you for reminding me that I'll never have a bad day that can compare with yours! Thank you, Lord, for your compassion.

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